Classification of invertebrate zoology(phylum Aschelminthes)

Classification of invertebrate zoology(phylum Aschelminthes)


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The word Aschelminthes derived from Greek word (Askos; cavity and helminthes; worm) and it was first purposed by Grobben in 1910.

General Characteristics Phylum Aschelminthes;

The members of this phylum are mostly free living, aquatic and parasitic. They are unsegmented and bilaterally symmetrical worms. They are having slender as well vermiform body that is generally worm like or flattened. They are generally small and microscopic although some of them reach a meter or more in length. They are triploblastic and pseudo-coelomate animals. Their body wall consist of syntactical and cellular epidermis while on the outside they are covered with the thick cuticle of scleroprotein. They are consist of longitudinal fibers. They are having straight digestive canal with a complete mouth as well non muscular intestine and anus even though their pharynx muscle are highly specialized. They don’t have respiratory and circulatory systems. However their excretory system consist of protonephridia for the mechanism of osmoregulation. They are having simple nervous system that consists of circumenteric nerve ring along with anterior as well posterior longitudinal nerves. They are having sense organ in the form of Pits, Bristles Papillae and Eye spots. They are mostly dioecious for instance, with separate sexes. The asexual reproduction is absent in them. Their eggs consist of chit-nous shell while cleavage determinate and spiral. Their life cycle might be simple or complicated however without any special larval stages.

Classification of Phylum Aschelminthes;

Phylum aschelminthes are classified into the five classes.

Class 1. Nematoda (Gr; nema mean thread and eidos mean form);

 The members includes in this class are aquatic, terrestrial, free living, parasitic, elongated in nature. They are having cylindrical, elongated and unsegmented body. Their body wall consist of thick cuticle as well cellular, syncytial epidermis and longitudinal muscles in four bands. The circulatory and respiratory system are absent in class nematode. However they are having complete digestive system completes along-with muscular pharynx. Furthermore they are having  excretory system along with glandular organs, canals or both. They are having nervous system with circumenteric ring accompanied by anterior and posterior nerves. The member of this class are having simple sense organs. Their male member have had it penial spicules and smaller than females.They are consist of one or two gonads. In these animals the male genital ducts lead into the cloaca while female genital lead to an separate opening. The phenomenon of  development in these animals are direct, however no asexual reproduction or regeneration exist in these animals. The  ascarisnecatorw uchereria and  trichinella are belong to this class. The class nematode are differentiated into the following orders;   

 The nematomorpha or Gordiacea show resemblance with nematode  in general body feartures. Their Body very is long, slender, cylindrical and thin, while their Body wall consist of thick cuticle that is bearing small papillae.They are having single layered cellular epidermis.They are having complete digestive system complete in the larva however it is degenerates in non feeding adults. In nematophora the pseudocoel mostly filled with parenchyma.The  circulatory, respiratory and excretory system are absent in nematophora. However the nematophora have nervous system with a circumenteric nerve ring as well mid-ventral nerve cord.They are  having paired gonad as well gonoducts, and their  oviducts are open into the cloaca.They are juveniles parasitic of crickets, grasshoppers and other insects. The  Para-Gordius, Gordius and  Nectonema belong to this class. The nematophora is differentiated into two orders;

Order 1; Cordioidea

Order 2; Nectonematoidea
Class 3. Rotifera(L; rota mean wheel and ferre mean to bear);

In this class include the microscopic animals that is found in lakes, ponds, and streams, while some of them rarely found in oceans know as wheel bearers.Their body wall thickened into stiff plates or lorica into which the head may lies at anterior end with ciliated corona [wheel organ] which is  used for feeding and locomotion purpose.They are having post anal foot with toes and adhesive glands for the purpose of attachments. They are having musculature body with longitudinal and transverse muscle bands as well strands.Their digestive system consist of grinding organ mastax which is internally lined by a strong cuticle.They are being have excretory system along-with two protonephridia as well two Protonephridial tubes, which empty into bladders.They are having nervous system that compose of 3 major ganglia and nerves.Their sensory organs is antennae and eyespots.In class rotifera male smaller than females and  parthenogenesis is very common while female is oviparous without larval stages.The Asplanchna,  Philodinaand Rotaria are belong to this class. This class is further divided into three orders.

Order 1; Seisonacea

Order 2; Budelloidea

Order 3; Monogonontea

Class 4. Gastrotricha (L;gaster mean stomach and trichos mean hair);

In this include Microscopic, marine and freshwater animals.Their body wall covered with cuticle which bearing short, dorsal and  curved spines.In these invertebrates the corona without cilia on the ventral surface for locomotion purpose.They are having forked posterior end along-with adhesive tubes and glands for attachments.Their body musculature consist of 6 pairs of longitudinal muscles.Their mouth surrounded by bristles, while their pharynx is triradiate and muscular.They are having excretory system with 2 protonephridia. They are having saddle shape nervous system with ganglion and 2 lateral nerves.They are exhibit by dioecious as well monoecious and direct development take place in them. The young and adult members seems to alike. The Macrodasys and Chaetonotus are belong to this class. The gastrotricha is further divided into the two orders.

 Order 1; Macrodasyoidea

       Order 2; Chaetonotoidea

Class 5. Kinorhyncha;(Gr; kineo mean more and rhynchos mean beak);

In this class include marine, microscopic worm like animals. These animals exhibit superficial segmentation in their body into 13 or 14 overlapping rings (Zonites).Their body surface compose of spiny cuticle without cilia.Their Mouth cone or head protrusible, and covered with help of scalids. They are being have a pair of adhesive tubes in the front part of their ventral surface. Their Pseudocoel fluid consist of amoebocytes.They are having a nerve ring along-with ventral cord, with a ganglion in each Zonite. Their digestive system ends with salivary glands.These animals exhibit internal fertilization, while metamorphosis occur with several larval stages. The Pycnophyes and  Echinoderes belong to this class. It is further divided into two orders;

    Order 1; Homalorhagida

    Order 2; Cyclorhagida


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