vertebrate zoology definition

vertebrate zoology definition


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vertebrate zoology definition

Ø Term vertebrate zoology was coined by a biologist named john H, MC Laughlin.
Ø It was first discovered by British Zoologist Sir William Wilberforce

Vertebrate zoology is one of the most important branch in zoology. That deal with the study of animals with backbone. It was coined by a biologist named john H. MC Laughlin, who was an assist professor at the university of California, Barkley. He was also the first to use it in his work on animals. The theory of vertebrate zoology based on the idea that animals have evolved from living organisms.  The term vertebrate zoology is used to describe the study of organisms that are not part of human body. This include fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Vertebrates have been found more than 50% of all mammals, birds and reptiles. They are also largest species on earth.

         vertebrate zoology is classify into five classes such as          

  • Fishes, Amphibians
  • Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
vertebrate zoology definition

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