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Classification of
vertebrates zoology
Vertebrates are the animals belonging to the sub phylum vertebrata of the phylum chordata.
Sub phylum vertebrata is divided into the following five classes.
- ClassPisces (Fishes)
- Class Amphibia
- Reptila (Reptiles)
- Aves (Birds)
- Mammalia (Mammals
Class Pisces (Fishes);
Definition of Fishes;
Fishes are cold blooded vertebrate with gills and fins and
wholly living in water. Approximately 28000, species of fishes are present
throughout the world.
General Characters of Pisces/Fishes;
v They are clod blooded, aquatic vertebrates having stream lined body.v Their body is distinguished into head, trunk and tail. Tail is powerful propulsive organ.
v Their head carries mouth, paired eyes, nostrils and trunk possesses 5 pair of gill slit.
v They are having true jaws and teeth.
v They are having heart that consist of two chambers, one is auricle and other is ventricle.
v The respiration take place in their body by five pairs of gills.
v Sexes are separate fertilization may be external or internal.
v The excretions occur in their body by mesonephric kidney.
v In fishes middle and external ears are absent and internal ears are mainly balancing organs.
“In this class Pisces or fishes are
considered as Superclass”
The superclass
Pisces is further distinguished into four classes:
- Placodermi (Extinct
- Chondrichthyes (
- Osteichytes
- Dipnoi
v Class 2 Chondrichthyes ( Elasmobranchi)
Term chondrichthyes drive from Greek word Chondros mean
cartilage and Ichythes mean fishes. It is distinguished into two subclasses.
2. Subclass2. Bradyodontii
Subclass 1. Selachi;
In this subclass includes living as well as extinct sharks,
rays and dogfishes. The extinct forms are grouped under protoselachii and
modern living forms under euselachi. Euselachii is separated into two orders.
Order 1. Pleurotremata (pleuro
mean sides and trema mean opening)
Scolidon, seyliorhinkus, Sphyrna, squalus and sharkes.
Order 2. Hypotremata;
It is drived
from greek word hypo mean belw and trema mean opening.
Tygon, Torpedo, Raja (ray) and skates.
Subclass2: Bradyodontii.
It is
divided into following orders.
Order 1. Eubradyodonti.
It includes
modern forms as Heldous.
Order2. Holocephli.
It includes modern forms such as chimaeras.
v Class 3. Osteichithyes (teleostomi)
It is drived from Greek word osteos mean bone and ichthyes
mean fishes. The class osteichithyes is distinguished into three subclasses;
2. Subclass 2. Actinopterygii
3. Subclass 3 choanichthyes (fossils fishes)
Subclass 2. Actinopterygii or Neopterggii
or Teleostomi.
It is derived
from both latin and Greek word. The term Actino derived from latin word means
having rays and pterygii derived from Greek word pterux means wings’ fins.
Subclass 3 choanichthyes (fossils fishes)
A subclass of teleostomi comprising fishes with internal
nares and they were dominant but nearly now extinct. It includes
Class Dipnoi.
Commonly know as lung fishes, since they posses functional lungs
with external and internal nares.
Examples: protopterous,Lepidosiren and Neoceratodus.
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